Losing a parent during Covid
Hi I’m female (22) and I lost my mom when I was 18 . It was peak covid so I didn’t get any closure.
She was a breast cancer survivor ( doctors said she was healthy). I was working all week so I didn’t get to see her too much.( I’d stay at my friends a lot because I felt paranoid about being around her)
She was spitting up blood so my dad took her to the hospital. She was awake and talking to my grandma on the phone and she was good my grandma said . Three hours later she died. I only had 15 minutes with her, as she laid lifeless. She passed away alone in that room. Last thing I remember is her unconscious and me begging the doctors to do something and him giving me that terrible look.
I was wondering if anyone had a similar experience losing a loved one during peak Covid?
And, if so how do you navigate life without the closure?