What is a good golf swing?

I’m very new to golf and, by any definition, have a garbage swing. I’m currently taking lessons and loving it. The golf swing has been such a fun thing to learn about.

I really enjoy reading the post on this sub, but it’s got me asking: how are we defining a good golf swing?

There are definitely biomechanical themes that show up very consistently in high level players, but every player seems to have their slight variation that makes their swing their own.

However, if Rahm was just as good as he is now, but never played professionally, and posted his swing on here he would likely be torn to shreds by golfers who would need 20 strokes head to head with him.

Also, there seems to be a lot of concrete language surrounding ambiguously defined swing concepts such as over the top and shallowing.

So maybe a good swing is one that delivers a consistent high quality result. Most players will need to follow along with the biomechanical themes seen is most PGA tour players, but with their own personal slight variation. Maybe this leads to less black and white swing advice, but leaves room for nuance which I think is much more exciting.