Hear me out - Kratos is still victimizing himself, and that means more content.
He told Freya his story but left out the part where he should’ve taken accountability if he truly has forgiven himself.
He says Ares tricked him into slaying his family, but should’ve mentioned it was him who made the selfish plee to Ares to slay the barbarians in return for a life of servitude.
He did not realize what he was doing, and thus he still blames Ares for killing his family, it was his bloodlust that slayed his wife and daughter, not anyone else’s. It does not matter if they were randomly teleported there, because Kratos was so bloodlusted that he did not even wait to see who he was slaughtering when he opened that door, it was his own fault.
He wants to pass the blame onto the gods, but it was he who wished for this with his prayer to ares for victory in war.
Him still holding a grudge and saying ‘all gods are bad’, and still seeing visions of athena, zeus, etc. just means he still has to reconcile and forgive himself for his own decisions, The gods were just trying to stop his rampage.
He decided to destroy the entire civilization of olympus for his own revenge, and at the end it gained him nothing. His nightmares stayed, and he still blames the gods.
I believe Kratos still has more growing to do, his story is not finished, and I think Olympus Gods will make a return. He needs to forgive Zeus and Ares for his story to end.