More addicted than I thought

I'm a mess boys. Lost my job about two weeks ago and had to leave a really bad housing situation too. That leaves me homeless and unemployed . Not for long though

Regardless I'm super addicted to gabs and weed. I'm almost out of gabs and I'm terrified of the wd's . When they put me on it they said it was non addictive. That's a lie. Some of the most intense and long lastting wd's I've ever had. Im fucked

And while I'm waiting for that I'm also realizing I'm super addicted to weed. I had my job for like 2 years smoking whenever I wanted as much as I wanted. Now I got nothing. I smell it everywhere because I live in Portland but people don't like to share and I feel weird asking .

I'm fucking scared to be honest. I haven't been in this situation in a long time and everything's coming at once I needed to get this off my chest

I'm such an addict I just had forgot how bad it was. Welp I remember now