Frenzy 18 easy clear guide

Here I'll talk about the strategy used to get frenzy 18 in the expansion drill 11. Keep in mind two things:

  1. I'll describe the strategy so you have a better understanding of how to do the stage, but it won't be a step by step guide.

  2. I play in Chinese so some English terms might be off.


After one Bellator dies, the other cleanse all debuff and gain max hp (4)

The % difference required to trigger where the Bellator will heal each other is reduced by 10% (4)

Corrosive and electric damage is reduced by 60% (4)

Each round, enemy gains 5% attack (2)

If an enemy unit is not hit on their weakness, reduce stability damage taken by 3 (4)


Makkiato (V1)

Suomi (V1)

Qiongjiu (V3)

Sabrina (V0)

Daiyan (V0)

You do not need any of the dupes

Makkiato and Suomi dupe make it easier, but are not necessary. Qiongjiu dupe adds only a little value. None of the dolls are using their signature weapon.

To start, kill the three spiders in the middle by using Daiyan to break the barrier and walk in to expose them.

Move Makkiato and Suomi to the left. Qiongjiu in the middle. Daiyan and Sabrina to the right.

Focus on stacking stability damage on the left Bellator. Keep your team healthy with Suomi and Sabrina Ult. Also make sure that Sabrina destroy the boxes that cut off the center so your team can move through.

Once the stability is low enough <2, set up a burst round to one shot the left Bellator

Combo is QJ ult > Suomi Ult > Sabrina Ult > Daiyan second skill + ult > Makkiato first skill.

If you don't do enough damage to kill the Bellator in one round you can do it in two.

Once the left Bellator dies, the ice Bellator remains. Try make him hit your Sabrina who can tank it with Ult and Suomi Shield.

On your round, move your units through the middle towards him, and do:

Suomi first skill > Qiongjiu first skill > Makkiato Ult > Sabrina any > Daiyan any.

If both Makkiato Ult shots hit the Bellator and not the mobs, the round after, the Bellator will have 0 or very low stability. Do the burst combo you did on the first Bellator and try to one shot it. Even if you don't have enough damage, you have an extra round of grace since dolls dying do not matter here as long as you can kill both bosses.

That's it for the guide. I did it first try with no signature weapons and mediocre attachments. Feel free to ask any questions as I believe frenzy 18 is very doable with the correct strategy and planning.