The double standard is insane
Every time a woman brings up an issue here, her perspective and feelings are valid even if not based on reality. "Of course she feels that way about men, she's been traumatized in the past and yes not all men but too many".
But if a man feels a certain way something apparently needs to be HAMMERED HOME that "REALITY DOESN'T CARE ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS TOUCH GRASS INCEL".
Men aren't even allowed to express discontent with their lives without people just telling them that they're doing everything wrong.
Invalidating peoples lived experiences and feelings isn't going to make them listen to you any more or take your advice. They're just going to push you away.
When men say they are lonely, the answer shouldn't be "Erm, haven't you heard that WOMEN are lonely TOO incel". Can it not be: "I'm so sorry, things are rough right now, hopefully you can turn it around and there's someone out there for you."
Seeing how guys are treated around here really makes me think of that Chris Rock quote about how "Only women, children, and dogs are loved unconditionally. A man is only loved under the condition that he provides something." It rings truer every day.