Heavy tanks rant...
I've played conquest with all factions, and in my experience most of the Heavy tanks (except for the russians) have just the same survivability than the medium ones. Last game I was playing using a recovered Tiger 2, when a Pz IV Auf J just blew it up with only one shot on its frontal armor from long distance. I mean, I know may be IA was using some kind of special ammo for the shot, but one shot? Come on!. Also when using Pershings and Super pershing, they just keep getting destroyed with average guns like Pak40. Or when getting hit by any kind of Infantry AT gun, like panzerfaust 60 FRONTAL shots or ANY kind of AT granade exploding on frontal armor. Even my shermans M4A3(76)W HVSS field mod, have a lot more chances to survive a battle than this "heavys".
Now when I've played with the russians my heavys were surviving all battles even using KV's on late game.
I know it's not fun to have an indestructible vehicle, but's what's the use of these units if you sacrifice a lot of pop cap and they can't take some punishment on their frontal armor?.
Remember this is just a rant, I love the game but this mechanics in particular seem a lil odd to me.