My Edge 1030+ failed me miserably on my most important ride ever
Yesterday I finished the event Vätternrundan 315 (315 km or roughly 200 miles around Sweden´s second largest lake). From the start I had some issues where my sensors were disconnecting and I had to manually connect to my HRM Pro to get my hr. I decided to keep going since it came back intermittently and I thought that as long as I had the numbers for most of my ride I could accept it.
Then about 100 km into the ride the power and cadence reading just froze. It showed the same numbers and never changed. I tried disconnecting the sensors and reconnecting them, I tried to change the data field from 3 second power to 10 second and so on. I also tried turning it off, but not a complete reboot since I didn´t want to cancel the ride.
This is where I finally decided to start tracking the ride on my Fenix, where the sensors had no problem connecting at all. Then I kept on riding. 200 km in I got messages from friends and family telling me my livetrack link didn´t work. Turns out my Edge had stopped connecting to my phone and I couldn´t get it working. The only information it could give me was speed and distance.
I finished the ride with about 200 km of it recorded on my watch (with full information from my sensors) and 317 km on my Edge where I could see that it shut down all connections about 4 hours in to the ride. When I got home and tried to transfer the ride to my watch I couldn´t get it to connect to my phone and it also kept freezing on me. Had to press the on/off button for a while to get it to restart and then it finally connected.
Has anything like this happened to you? Do you know of any way I could have fixed it during my ride? I've only had it for about a month and it's had some connection dropouts before but it has always reconnected pretty quick again. Is this a warranty issue that I should contact Garmin about?
EDIT: Spelling