Diamonds and Coins, oh my!

Here’s some things the game offers - are you taking advantage of them?


  1. Get 1250 - 1600 diamonds by opening the game on consecutive days (in a 7 day cycle), with seeds added on the 2nd, 4th, and 6th days, and a plant on the 7th day. There’s a special gift box of inventory items for completing 30 consecutive days.

  2. Watch short ad videos. Go to the Premium store by clicking on your diamonds in the upper right corner, then click the Free tab. Watch 20 videos a day for 30 diamonds each- earning 600 diamonds per day. If the icon grays out and you can’t click it, clearing the cache will sometimes fix it.

  3. The “Offer Wall” lets you complete tasks like check out a podcast or website, take surveys, play games, or make purchases. It is run by Tapjoy/UnityRewards, not Garden Joy, so any payout issues are beyond the control of Garden Joy. Go to the Premium store by clicking on your diamonds in the upper right corner, then click the Free tab and choose Complete Offers. Both Android and iOS have web offers that you can use to earn a couple hundred diamonds with a few clicks. (Look for ones that mention “color test” or check out a website.) If you have both Android and iOS you should be able to “double dip” and earn rewards on each. The offers are often increased at the end of the month during a portion of the partner event. iOS games are reached via UnityRewards at the bottom of the page. If you play games, always enter them through the Offer Wall to make sure you get credit for your progress.

  4. Borrow your friend’s inventory from the Free Use area, available once a day. You’ll get access to required items you don’t own or you will save your own inventory. (Borrowing from a friend does NOT take anything away from their inventory. Your friend benefits by earning experience points when you borrow from them.)

  5. Earn 2,500 diamonds by inviting your real life friends to play Garden Joy. They must play Garden Joy to level 3 for you to earn the achievement.

  6. All the seeds in your Nursery are FREE inventory. And the water to grow them is free too. Complete collections and earn diamonds. Always have a plant growing!

  7. Grow 10 plants (new ones or ones you have already grown) to achieve a seed you’ve never had. Complete 3 design challenges on Monday, Wednesday or Friday for an Uncommon, Rare, Epic or Legendary seed. Complete 4 challenges on Sunday for a Rare, Epic or Legendary seed.

  8. Do the Daily Challenge for 3000 coins and a friend gift. There’s a periodic Achievement of 500 diamonds based on the number of Daily Challenges you complete.

  9. Vote and you will earn coins, diamonds, and a friend gift. The first set you do each day will give you a free gift to give to a friend, along with 250 coins. You have to complete the day’s voting sets in order to have the gift available the next day. Usually the voting sets will add up to 2000 coins and 400 diamonds.

  10. The monthly Garden Pass provides some free rewards for completing challenges even if you don’t purchase it.