Erenshor | Burgee Media | A Single Player MMORPG
Erenshor is "A Single Player MMORPG". What does that mean?
It plays exactly like EverQuest, with modernized features. It's 100% offline, and the "server population" is made up of AI bots who each have unique personalities, skill levels, and goals in the game.
(Some players in the City Marketplace)
There's "Dancer" the friendly duelist. There's "Sparkles" the Paladin who only refers to himself in the third person. There's "Jethro" the Arcanist who can't type a coherent sentence - and dozens more. Some of our Patrons have also opted for a package that allows them to create and write their own SimPlayer.
The game is divided into "zones" like oldschool MMORPGs, and offers thousands of items, spells, skills, and quests to discover.
(Just killed a rare spawn boss- check out that loot!)
Why would you want to play a game that's an MMORPG by yourself?
It's intended for us old school gamers who gave hundreds of hours to EverQuest and miss the grind but can't fit in the MMORPG game play... or simply don't want to fit it in. You can log off Erenshor at any time and your SimPlayer friends won't bat an eye. They'll be ready to hang with you the next time you log on. They'll even send you messages inviting you to group or raid.
It's important that I point out that the SimPlayers are not using generative AI. They won't be your next online best friend who you discuss current events with, but they're there to help perpetuate the MMORPG illusion.
The world is big. About 15-20% of it is already built and in the hands of dozens of testers who are giving feedback on balance and game feel every single day.
We have a rapidly growing discord. We've been gaining a lot of interest over the past few months with our demo release (on steam) and we've been fortunate enough to have been written up by more than one gaming magazine.
I'm open to questions or discussion if anyone is interested in learning more! Or Join our Discord to chat with some of the testers!