S23 Ultra x10 camera's continuous downgrade due to recent updates
Hello everyone, I will keep this short.
The example above, is simply one of many. Samsung has undoubtedly downgraded our beloved x10 camera for sure.
As you can see, during the x10 zoom in the camera app, you can clearly see details on the blanket, but after taking the shot, the standard x10 zoom is really really bad, and it's not just due to lowlight. The processing is going backwards instead of making the shot a bit better.
This can be seen with moon shots as well, soemtimes just pointing the camera at the moon, simply gets better results than the actual post processes shot.
The worst part is none of the above, but it is the daylight x10 pictures that are very washed out, 0 color and really bad and unpleasant to look at. Lens flare was never an issue before 6.1, but after recent security updates and the AI updates, I noticed that every x10 shot needed a physical object to "block" sun rays so that the picture is not completely washed out. I do not have the pictures currently, but they're in one of my recent comments on a post complaining about the same thing. I will link the post below.
I love the x10 camera as it's really useful for me and I never thought I'd use it this often in my daily life, but here we are.