Same random dude tried to kiss me yesterday?? 🧍🏽‍♀️

I was walking from aderhold learning center, this guy ( he obviously wasn’t a student) walks up to me, and at first I tried to ignore him bc I had earbuds in, but he wouldn’t leave me be.

So eventually I respond, he says I’m pretty, I say thanks, he then asks for my name and I told him ( I probably shouldn’t have tho). He says nice to meet you, then he grabbed my hand and he tried to PULL ME INTO A KISS!! Like I had to push his face away, and after I did that, I said “no you can’t do that” and he said “my bad” as if it were an accident 💀💀💀

Like I was so shocked that I barely had time to react. I like gsu so far, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say that gsu being an open campus makes me feel slightly unsafe, like don’t get me wrong, it’s not like gsu is awful, and most of the time the interactions that I have aren’t that bad, but then I have interactions like this one that make me hyper vigilant.