Custom cars replacement pack crashing the game, please read
I want to run through the campaign with custom cars pack by ModCollection if anyone's familiar with it it's GTA V cars replacement with 330 real cars, and NaturalVision Remastered
That's literally the only mods that I want to use, here's the issue though and I tried older versions and newer versions of GTA V to try and resolve the problem but only with little luck, so to sum it down
GTA V 3095: I install both the mods and the game crashes, so I restart the process of adding the mods and test to see which ones may be causing it, it turns out it's the car pack that causes it, but if I only install the NaturalVision mod the game works perfectly
GTA V 1868: I install both mods and the game crashes, I do the same thing and it turns out that the car pack works perfectly, but NaturalVision causes the crashes now
I know this because I literally tested the game for 1 hour in both mod setups (3095 NaturalVision only, and 1868 car pack only)
The errors I receive are exactly the same for both:
"A new guard page for the stack cannot be created."
or I got this error once as well:
what could be causing this issue seeing that one works perfectly on 3095 and the other one works perfectly on 1868
I don't see anyone complaining about these issues for either of these mods for any of the updates
I've done research and cannot find any fix,
I've installed all the necessary mods needed and gameconfig/heapadjuster, nothing else besides that the entire game's vanilla
My PC specs are more than enough to run this 64gb ram, and 3080 OC edition, if anyone can literally resolve this for me they'd be a legend