FWI:,Trump makes himself the second coming of Jesus.
Picture it: It's 2027. Republicans suffered terrible losses in the midterms, and the party's outlook is grim. Trump approval ratings are in the low 20s, and a Democratic landslide in 2028 seems certain. In a last-ditch attempt to save face, Trump's team gets into contact with several corrupted megachurch televangelists to pitch an idea. In return for money and political insider interests, these preachers will all simultaneously begin professing that they have recieved visions directly from God annointing Trump as the second coming of Christ himself, breaking the final taboo in the world of Donny's evangelical cult of personality. According to this doctrine, faith in Trump would be a faith test from the Almighty which would decide who would go up and who would head down come the Rapture. On that note, they would all also begin preaching conspiracy which would involve Trump's presumable third election, which would complete a symbolic holy trinity and bring about said Rapture itself. How the evangelical community receive this, and how the rest of American Cbristiandom would react even if the Christian Right laps it up, is for you to decide. What do you think?