Morse code throughout this series.

In season 3 episode 3 ,around 41 minutes in, when randall sees the cicadas i am convinced the chirping is a message in morse. The first cicada is clearly focused in this scene and the chirping is far too isolated in the audio for it to be nothing. Too much focus is drawn to the chirping of that lone cicada before the swarm.

I have tried to record and translate it but am having trouble. if anyone is able to better translate morse i would love to find out what it said, or be proven wrong.

I beleive morse code has been present in other seasons and episodes as well. for instance their have been multiple shots focused on flickering or flashing lights, i have not attempted to translate those yet though they may be easier, i will update this post if and when i try.

I cant imagine any message hidden in morse would be super important likely just a little thing the showrunners added to keep us thinking and talking about the show. It would be cool to have some more info either way.

Edit: I suck at translating it but to my best guess the circada chirps the word "morse". Unless some obscure clue or hint at the show I believe it's just the showrunners having fun and teasing some of their more invested fans for looking into it too deeply. Again, I am more than open to being proven wrong and would love for someone elses opinion on what if anything it says.