Is buying a birthday gift in the $150 range weird if I usually buy in the $50 range?
In my friend group we always get each other birthday gifts around the $50 range. Everyone seems pretty happy with this.
However recently something I know a friend would love and wasn't able to buy is being re-released for $150 (prior to the re-release it was well over $300). I also know they'd never spend their own money on it based on their spending on themself, so I thought it'd be nice to buy it for them.
I don't mind spending the $150 this time, but it's gonna be clear when they receive it that this was more expensive than our typical gifts. And I don't want them to think I'm expecting something in return in that range, or going to be regularly giving gifts in that range, or coming off as "look at me I have money".
Do you think it would be weird? Should I say this is a gift for two years of birthdays or is that even more weird?