Drowning and Traffic Hazards?

We are not yet in the formal process of getting certified, because we need to be married first (wedding is soon). But I am putting together a list of things to work on to prepare our space for foster teens 12+.

On Utah's home visit checklist, it says we need to mitigate traffic and drowning hazards. Here is the specific language:

Dangerous traffic conditions are mitigated
Drowning hazards (pools, hot tubs, water features, ponds, streams, canals, etc) are mitigated

We live in an apartment building situated across the street from a river. The street is frequently used, and vehicles can gather a bit of speed despite a nearby stop sign. Additionally, there is a river nearby. While there is a guardrail between our place and the river, it is accessible by walking down a house. This potential hazard also worries us. Could this be an issue for the home visit? Do we have any options for mitigating these?
