[FH5] [H] Credits [W] Nothing

As title suggest, its a giveaway, list any car on auction house for 24 hrs and comment down your gamer tag below, i'll buy whatever it is and whatever the amount 🀷🏻

Time Limit - its 6PM IST, lets take 2 hours from now till 8PM

after 2 hours i'll select 5 winners, if commented GT's are less than 5, people commented will automatically be winners, more than 5, i'll select winners.

please be avtive on reddit and All the best

i'll post a proof of buying cars of selected winners

Giveaway is over guys

Winners -
ShaggyOn0PNG βœ…
Josinho V βœ…
Zyzdar βœ…
Gully Goated βœ…

Wild Card Winner - SPRiNGDOGG βœ…, SVTstew βœ… and Gabi 12070 βœ… ☺️☺️

PUT up car for auction guys