Going off to college soon, probably won’t be able to play Fortnite regularly for much longer. Just wanted to thank Fortnite and the Epic team for entertaining me for the past seven years.
Class of 2024 here. Fortnite filled up a large amount of my teen years. Just wanted to thank “the game”, I guess, for keeping me entertained for this long. Sadly, education is calling, so I gotta hop off the Fortnite grind for now. This was the last season I was able to play consecutively. My T100 battlepass streak probably ends here. Same with me playing with my buddies who are also going off to bigger and better things.
If someone at the Epic team sees this just gotta thank y’all for supporting the game that helping me through middle school, Covid, and highschool. Had some really rough times that surprisingly were remedied by getting some #1s. Don’t expect y’all to respond to this since this probably looks like a bait post haha.
Anyways, thanks Fortnite. See you next summer, hopefully from the battlebus. ✌️
Class of 2024 here. Fortnite filled up a large amount of my teen years. Just wanted to thank “the game”, I guess, for keeping me entertained for this long. Sadly, education is calling, so I gotta hop off the Fortnite grind for now. This was the last season I was able to play consecutively. My T100 battlepass streak probably ends here. Same with me playing with my buddies who are also going off to bigger and better things.
If someone at the Epic team sees this just gotta thank y’all for supporting the game that helping me through middle school, Covid, and highschool. Had some really rough times that surprisingly were remedied by getting some #1s. Don’t expect y’all to respond to this since this probably looks like a bait post haha.
Anyways, thanks Fortnite. See you next summer, hopefully from the battlebus. ✌️