Have you ever had a "feet only" relationship with someone?
You can ignore all of this and just answer the question and describe your own experience(s) if you want, but if you're interested, here's mine:
Around a year and a half ago I matched with a woman whose profile made it clear she was dominant. We went for drinks, and then she invited me back to her place. I had no idea what to expect.
When we arrived, she had me sit down on her couch. She then joined me and stretched her legs out over my lap, and instructed me to massage her feet (through her socks). And that's all I did as we chatted for a couple of hours.
I think I'm unfairly downplaying the effect this had on me - I was rock-hard and in agony for the entire duration. It was pure tease and denial.
We continued this arrangement for a few months, and what I was permitted to do with her feet very steadily progressed as the time went on. The furthest I got was kissing her feet and feeling them against my face (in socks both times). I was in no rush - I found the slow buildup of the dynamic to be utterly intoxicating - it was like she was moulding me to be an expert at tending to her feet.
It was rare that I was allowed to take off her socks - it only happened twice (in the end stages of our "relationship"), and only after I'd earned it through very long massages that had been particularly to her liking. Her bare feet were beautiful - they blew all expectations out of the water. All I was allowed to do was massage them bare for a few minutes before the socks went back on.
Anyway. I ended things with her when I met someone new. I've left all of this out up to this point, but she was quite arrogant and potentially narcissistic (having a man addicted to her feet definitely satisfied her ego). I didn't particularly like her as a person, but I was undeniably under the spell of her feet.
There's something about the feet of arrogant women - no other woman I've met since has been able to scratch that itch for me. I've thought about her a lot.
I recently got back in touch with her - apologising about disappearing. I didn't expect her to reply, but she did. She told me she knew I'd come back, and that my soul's never going to be free of her feet - or something along those lines. She has moved out of the country, but plans to return next year. We've agreed that we're going to continue when she comes back.
But last night she caught me off guard by asking me if her feet are all I want from her. She indicated that she wanted a real relationship with me during our last engagements, but that I didn't seem interested in pursuing that. She said she enjoys the foot stuff, but felt insecure that that was all she was to me.
I haven't told her this, but honestly, that is all she was to me. It was like getting my rocks off with a sexy evil witch lady - it was insanely hot, but I could never seriously be with her. She would ruin my life.
This has given me second thoughts, and got me wondering whether people can truly sustain this sort of dynamic (be "feet only") without feelings developing.