Dräger PSS Airboss

Calling on all my European firefighting brothers and sisters. I am looking for any relevant information about Dräger's PSS Airboss SCBA system. It is currently awaiting NFPA approval here in the United States and there is very little I've been able to find online about this product. The volunteer agency I work for is currently in the process of demoing new air packs and are down to choosing between the MSA G1 and quite possibly the Dräger PSS Airboss (If it meets NFPA approval prior to September 2025 when our cylinders reach their 15 year replacement end date).

I currently use the MSA G1 in my career department and have enjoyed it. There are some things that I don't like but that's to be expected with most everything. My volunteer department currently operates with the Dräger PSS 5000 series and we have had a lot of problems with them over the years.

I'd love to hear from those that are currently operating the PSS Airboss within their agency. I know they have been in service for a number of years now and was just curious if there are any issues or opinions people would like to share to help me in this process. Any information provided would be greatly beneficial and appreciated!