What perfume notes are you currently exploring?

I've noticed that I'm often obsessed with one or a few notes at a time, I test a lot of perfumes with that note and when I've found the perfect perfume or when I'm bored of that note, my attention focuses on another note. For me, until recently it was cardamom, rum and mimosa, but now I'd like to explore coconut and the combination of ginger with white flowers.

Do you have any specific notes you've been exploring recently? What fragrances have you tried with these notes? Did you find what you were looking for? I'm curious to hear more about your perfume journey!

EDIT: I thought I'd be able to reply to every comment, but I didn't think so many people would comment on this post and share the notes that interest them. But given the number of comments, it's becoming a bit overwhelming. I always read and upvote your comments and try to reply when I can, but I may miss some of them