Help me understand this because my gastroenterologist is confused

I am 28y Male.

My ANA profile was positive

ANA results: Pattern: Sprindle Pole Endpoint Titre: 1:80 Smooth Muscle Antibodies(ASMA): Negative Anti Mitochondrial Antibodies (AMA): negative. IgG levels are 14.30 g/L (normal range 7-16).

And the reason for test was that my LFT was slightly elevated. LFT results: ALT 58 (norma rangel: <45) Gamma GT 119 (normal range <55) AST 46 (normal range <35) Direct Bilirubin 0.4 (normal range 0-0.3)

I am Hepatitis B and C negative. My ultrasound doesn't show fatty liver (whole abdomen is normal on ultrasound, did that ultrasound thrice). My BMI is 23. My weight is 65 and my height is 168cms. I don't drink Alcohol. Only medication that I take is Omeprazole 20mg. I don't take it anymore.

Complaints I have: Indigestion Yellow loose stool Bloating sometimes GERD Eyes are yellow (only visible if you look carefully) Slight dull burning sensation that comes and goes on left side under the ribcage Slight discomfort on right side. Endoscopy showed esophagitis but nothing else. All of these symptoms occurred 3 years ago suddenly and continued since then.

What went wrong 3 years ago and what should I do to make this right again? What the hesh is wrong with me?