The Fury of the Gods is amazing

I just finished The Fury of the Gods by John Gwynne and just need to blab about how much I loved it. I know it just came out but I pretty much read it non stop since release.

So SPOILERS for the entire book below, just gonna list my thoughts and would love to hear what other people who have finished it think.

I adore Varg. He was my favourite character throughout the series and I think he had the greatest character arc. Seeing him go from escaped slave with no one and nothing to a loved and respected member of the Bloodsworn was great. His camaraderie with his fellow warriors was so great and seeing him officially be accepted into the group was heart warming.

I was also so glad to see him and Rokia get together. I thought I saw a developing romance between them but it was so subtle and in the background I thought I could easily be imagining it. So glad to be wrong. I need a sequel where they raise a family of wolf cubs. I wish we had gotten a bit more time with them, but with a book this fast paced I think Gwynne did an exceptional job making me love them so much.

Biorr was such a brilliantly tragic character. He really did think he was fighting for a just cause, and the sad fact is he was kind of right. Or at least he was fighting for the right reasons, even if he was fighting on the wrong side. Up until the last minute his enemies were a bunch of slavers. So it's such a shame that they decided to do the right thing and free the slaves when it was too late.

It's tragic that he realised he was on the wrong side right before dying. His death was a real bummer. It wasn't some epic duel, he just kind of died. But I suppose that was the point and I have no complaints about that.

I honestly didn't like Elvar. Thought she was a great character but a bad person. She didn't seem to have much of an issue with slavery until it personally effected her. So I wasn't sad to see her die even if she did redeem herself by the end.

Guothver was a snake and his death was so satisfying. John Gwynne writes excellent villains. They always seem to sneak away before getting their commupence, so it's awesome when they finally do get what they deserve.

Orka is a badass and remains a badass. Seeing her tear through her enemies to save her son was awesome. She is a perfect example of a strong female character that never felt cliche or overdone. She was a tough enemy and a loving mother. Really great stuff.

I loved the ending. It leaves the door open for future stories, like the invasion and Rotta being on the loose, but also provided great closure. I would love more stories set in this world but if we never get them, this was a fantastic final chapter.

That's it. I just wanted to rant. Only just finished the book so my thoughts are all over the place. This isn't a review or anything but if it was this book would get a perfect 5/5 from me.