Do you find the Faith trilogy actually scary?

This isn't a bait or troll post. I love the trilogy and replay it every Halloween.
I think it excels in atmosphere, worldbuilding, and disturbing concepts. But if you asked if it was a scary experience to play? Well, no.

To be fair, it's hard to make a game that looks like Faith scary, most the characters are basically stickmen, and Airdorf thankfully doesn't use jumpscares which are cheap. It's often extremely creepy but it's never actively scary.

I only bring it up because I see a lot of people not just say theyre terrifying games to play, but the scariest games theyve ever experienced. I was prompted to make this post because I just saw on Twitter someone say they cried from how scared they were.

Obviously everyone has their own threshold, and Im no tough guy who cant be scared (It doesn't take much actually, Silent Hill 3 gets me a lot). It's just weird to see so many people hype up a game that I dont think is particularly trying to scare the player as the scariest game ever made.