Survivor Suggestion: Tommy - Sentinel

A survivor suggestion I submitted to the game's Discord, hours before those channels were taken down.

Might as well dump this here, since the game's future currently seems pretty bleak. Hope to hear some feedback.

I included significantly more detailed stats in that suggestion message (with proper numbers and deeper mechanic explanations), but since no more public access to #survivor-suggestions, and I didn't write them down anywhere else, I can't include them here. (And I'm not feeling like rewriting everything from memory.)

core things to note:

scrapbomb's aura is revealed to both anyone nearby, including the killer

scrapbomb can deal damage and inflict status effects on yourself as well, teammates unaffected

the smoke cloud inflicts slowness on killer and you

both abilities become weaker with stacked tommies

the jerry skin's dialogue would be in pure german, he's a separate character with green tinted skin rather than blue