N20 Timing Chain - Good or Bad??
Hello, I have a 2013 328i XDrive with 150,000 miles and the infamous N20 engine. I got 2 low oil pressure lights with no symptoms and all have disappeared since (the errors only came on while driving 80mph and no permanent codes). I then checked the timing chain and it appears to be loose (both the guide/tensioner and chain) when the engine is cold after i let it sit over night. I then started the car and revved it a few times (still no symptoms or odd sounds). I checked the timing chain and guides again and it was solid as a rock, did not move even a centimeter. Is this the beginning of the end for the motor or is this fine / normal? Thanks all
Videos for reference:
Cold Engine Lose Timing Chain : https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/rvj0jsjjae713bcobczb7/71449838394__6DC81C0F-E83F-4C78-A87E-0F9D6390337D.mov?rlkey=690aurj8lab3sqal4wq1obvc9&dl=0
Cold Start Up & Revs: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/40plc0n8wq97oqokll3vz/IMG_3741.mov?rlkey=weeqqd0mrxgs9ibz6rjs5rxlx&dl=0
Tight Timing Chain & After Start Up: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3s10yvwxmo6cjv9621qoa/IMG_3740.mov?rlkey=0lnkvqn8oewrfxlpbdmbgz4sz&dl=0