Why does F1TV have such terrible production?
I was watching the international stream for the race on F1TV. I would ASSUME the production team for F1 races would understand the importance of showing the viewer intervals but they somehow managed to not show any intervals or timing boards for a QUARTER of the race from laps 14/15 to laps 28/29 (can’t remember exactly) but it’s so damn frustrating to watch Max, Lando, and Piastri not gain on each other just to watch the timing boards and be surprised that someone made a pass. It really feels like F1TV wants to make themselves a live version of DTS instead of a quality racing broadcast. How many races in a row are we going to talk exclusively to Zak Brown? How many radio messages are we going to see instead of timing boards? Where are the intervals? Why aren’t watching Kimi as he closes in on Hulk instead of Max, Piastri, and Lando doing nothing? (I concede that Max may have had his lockup during this time but I can’t remember for sure and for most of the time we were watching them nothing was happening)
But the main thing that’s so annoying about no intervals is that during those laps, Kimi passed Hulk (not shown live), made the mistake where his tire hit grass and Hulk took his place back, and then Kimi takes back the position again (not shown live) but I legit thought Kimi taking that position back was another replay of the first overtake. They showed Kimi go off track, Hulk extend out to quite a decent sized gap bc Kimi went off track, but we had no way of knowing that Kimi was gaining back so fast bc there were NO INTERVALS. The second overtake replay looked the exact same as the first overtake and I honestly didn’t know wtf was going on until the commentators confirmed that he passed Hulk a second time in the exact same fashion as the first time.
IF someone from F1TVs production team is reading this for some reason, please, pleaseee, just leave intervals up for the entire race or show the ‘leader’ timing board when people start pitting so we can get an idea of how close drivers will be when they also decide to pit. Time is literally the most important information to see and the fact they seem to not know that absolutely dumbfounds me and it pisses me off. You can learn more about the race by watching the changing intervals than you can from just seeing clips of cars flying past a camera. If I want to watch a race DTS style I’ll do that in a year when the next season comes out. For now, let’s show times and focus on quality production for the race. JFC.