Something that doesn't make sense to me about the Ibanez RGD multi-scale models.

So I'll preface this by saying that I'm a huge Ibanez fanboy, and have been for many many years. I have five currently and there will be many more.

I do have a bit of a hang-up about their extended range offerings though, and I wonder if anyone shares this thought with me.

We've seen the RG multi-scale 7 and 8 string models, which are all 25.5" to 27.2" as far as I'm aware. But then the RGD multi-scale 7s and 8s are the same scale length - so the only real difference between the two is the body shape.

Surely given that the original straight-scale RGD was developed specifically as a 26.5" guitar for tuning down a tone or more, the multi-scale RGD should be something more like 26.5" to 28"? That way, you'd have a 'standard' multi-scale RG, and then a kind-of baritone multi-scale RGD for folks who tune down even lower?

Because at the moment, if you're an Ibanez hoe like me but you want to tune down really low, you're out of luck unless you find one of the crazy 29.4" Meshuggah models. Or buying a 26.5"-28" multi from another manufacturer.

Seems like Ibanez are missing a trick here, surely? It just doesn't make a lot of sense to me. If they did an RGD 8 string with a 26.5" to 28" scale length, I'd buy one straight away.

Just me?