I broke contact but
I did it to finally speak how I feel and told him that I couldn’t keep letting him throw breadcrumbs at me. I didn’t ever block him because I always wanted to leave the door cracked “in case” he wanted to reach out.
Well this morning I sent him everything I felt including don’t ever contact me again. I sent it then blocked him. And when I tell you a light switch moment happened I don’t lie. It was like a weight of anxiety lifted. That was the final step in my story. That chapter is closed.
I thought I would be devastated but I was happy all day. And yes. I’m sure it will come in waves of different emotions but today it felt different.
I ask you all, please know your self worth. Know you don’t deserve fucking breadcrumbs. Know that someone will love you just as wonderful as you are. Yes it hurts. You thought they were your person. They weren’t. That’s ok. Someone will love you and not leave you guessing. And it’s true what they say. If they wanted to they would’ve. Because really nothing stops ANYONE from reaching out and if they’re blocked they will find a way to reach you if they really care. But hopefully at that point we are in peace and have moved on to better things and people.
Know your worth.