Ex playing games
I’m not even sure where to start. My ex (24 m) and I, (25 f)were together for 4 years. We broke up Labour Day, this past Labour Day.
It has been nonstop of head games since we broke up. The first few months was absolutely no contact, me reaching out and me begging for him to come home, him not responding. I finally started to heal, I gravitated to reposting tiktoks that felt similar to how our relationship was, how he treated me etc.,
He broke no contact basically by looking at my tiktok, I then of course messaged him and directly told him that I’m doing okay but him looking at my social media is a major set back etc., he responded and he told me he was doing okay - the whole spiel about how he’s so sorry, he hates seeing my tiktoks, I deserve better. He stopped responding when I asked to see him.
Christmas comes around, he did it again, twice. The second time I reached out to say Merry Christmas, we had a civil conversation about family, and then it turned into talking about our relationship, he stopped responding. He reached out to me later that night and asked how my Christmas was doing (while he was drunk) we spoke about how he wasn’t seeing anybody, he was just working on himself, he had moved on “because it had been awhile since we seen each other” a few other things were said, I started to get upset and he blocked me again.
I reached out again, to let him know I had something of his still and I wanted to return it, they are expensive and can’t be returned or really given away since they’re molded. That same day, within probably half hour or so, he changed his profile picture to him and another female. I got a really nice message from her too, don’t worry!
Fast forward to now. He has had me blocked on all social media… up until recently. Most recently I was typing in a friend’s username on Instagram and his popped up. I blocked him. I’ve been seeing someone more recently, I posted him on my Snapchat public story and somehow it ended up being screen shotted. (Not sure by who, thanks Snapchat) this is what leads up to tonight - all of a sudden I’m able to see his public story. Haven’t seen it in months. I went to click on the profile so I could block him and it was of him and his new girlfriend. I’ve come to the conclusion, it was not just a glitch, he unblocked me, posted the public story and then reblocked me again right after.
Does anybody else’s ex do these things? I feel insane and like I’m reading into it too heavily. But it all just seems too weird to me. And way too much of a coincidence.