fighting the justice impulse to reach out to call them out on their BS

idk if anyone relates but damn sometimes i get so annoyed and pissed off by the bullshit my ex put me thru, all the contradictions and childishness. i instituted a really hard no contact but sometimes the justice impulse in me wants to reach out to call him out on his bullshit and how unyieldingly immature he is, how he lives in hypotheticals to stay avoidant, have an escape valve, and skirt responsibility. i won't reach out; i yelled at him enough when we broke up and he ultimately has to deal with the consequences of his immaturity. he's already taken one huge L by losing me (classically all his friends/family loved me, but all mine hated him lol). but damn, it sucks.

sometimes no contact is hard not because you wanna reach out to try to get back with them, but hard because you wanna reach out to them to tell them they are weak and to fuck off