Toxic breadcrumbing pattern

We did our closure call just the next day after my Birthday..her calim was that I was always available and loving her which made her feel that I'm insecure and not man enough which made her guilty and take the decision to leave things. On the call I asked her to say to my face that 'please don't keep any hope for a romantic relationship' but she didn't and quoted that it's too harsh.. anyways, We ended the call on a good note, it was a 5-6 hour conversation.

We unfollowed each other on Instagram, but as I have a public account she can see my posts, she doesn't see my stories because I would see the viewers..

But she started liking my WhatsApp status, I mean why would you want to do that.. is it just a way of reminding me that she exists? she's also not deleting our saved collection on Instagram.

The only thing I want right now is my respect back? What shall I do?

I'm thinking of deleting the saved collections, that would be final nail in the coffin from my side..I want to show her that I can walk away as well.