How ancient egyptians are modern ones

How ancient Egyptian are Egyptians I have used Vahaduo and I compared Large library of ancient egyptian samples after erasing contamined and low covered sample for comparison I used many refrence groups I compared my samples against berber,Arabian,Greek,Levant,Sub-Sahran africans and all groups who have historical contact with egypt by conquest or simply by proximity (All my samples are from the north or from the delta specifically) I have made three analysis in every analysis I delete a refrence group from the source that Iam comparing that Is suspected to be a noise or has another explanation where in the end I only left groups that are thought to have major effect on modern egyptian genome due to invasions or large scale migration(sub-sahrans,greeks,arabs)

arabian peninsula group has very low effect on egyptians in our first analysis as expected their admixtures in delta groups is un-existing arab admixtures increase highly in cairo sample and coptic sample (Copts according to gentic researchers now are though to originate in southern egypt upper egyptian genome studies are rare but are generally though to have higher affinity with middle easterens)

My Second analysis after removing berber admixtures because I suspect it being noise from the algorithm due to the very low existance of berber haplogroup in egypt it showes ancient egyptian component in modern egyptian to be 74.8% (which reinforces my opinion regarding this if it wasn't noise and real admixtures it wouldn't have grouped in ancient egyptian refrence group mostly) with most of arab components to be in sudanese copt and egyptian copt and egyptians from cairo the rest have no arab component my arabian database has much samples and contains arabs from everywhere in the arabian peninsula the ancient egyptian component is the predominent one second to it the levantanian component thirdly sub-saharan one then greek then arab with the least admixtures which was not expected considereing the common belief of egyptian muslims being heavily mixed with arabs

in our final analysis We erased levantanian component (Due to it being affected by ancient egyptian presence in the reigon for 1200 years) as we can see the arrangement remained the same don't forget that calculators calculate ratio of admixures between given components not the actual ancestry wich is also accurate what can see here is the same north egyptians have low to no arab component while it peaks in cairo which was the historic capital in egypt at 9.4% then copts who are originally of south egypt so have high affinity with arabs and other middle easterns before islam have it I tried after this analysis adding anatolian farmers ,italian , levant natufian samples to try and isolate the arabic and greek component and it showed me that it's mostly arabic component and greek component that affects egyptians that shows in arabic and greek catrgory respectively

What I conclude:-

1-Modern Day egyptians are predominantly the descendants of the ancient ones with very low foreign admixtures from foreign populations.

2-Arabs did limited contribution to egyptian genome on cairo population during islamic ages mostly where they settled in Fustat with limited interaction with the rest of the people.3-Arabs had long history of migration to egypt and intermingling with the local population in southern egypt before islam.

4-Arabs had very little to no effect on population in North Egypt before islam or after it(excluding alexandria as it wasn't studied by me yet) this explains the near absence of fgc11 and fgc 12 j-p85 haplogroups deep subclades associated with islamic expansion in the islamic world which appears heavily in arab tribges that came with islamic conquest.

5-Greek admixtures in egypt are larger than arab ones.

6-copts have higher arabic component than northern egyptians which shows that arabic mixing with egyptians happened predominantly before islam and after islam it was mainly in fustat or cairo after that.

7-islamic ages introduced an increase in sub-sahran component in modern muslim egyptians from female side due to trans-sahran slave tradeMy conclusions here is consistent with previous study of abu-ser elmeleq and previous estimates of j1 spreading in north africa and middle east to be releated to climate change and archaic movments rather than islamic expansion out of arabian peninsula.

Iam ready for any dicussion .