unable to order with prescription.
when i go to order a pair it says
"UltraFit lenses - Single vision/Progressive
Available exclusively through our optician partners."
where are vue smart glasses allowed for prescriptions and stuff without visiting a glasses shop. if i have my prescription why not allow for making prescription glasses?
vocalskull smart glasses let me do my prescriptions online.
lensology makes lenses for all kinds of smart glasses and i can order online.
why Even Realities don't allow for online ordering of prescription is beyond unreasonable.
UPDATE: ok upon some of the replies here online prescription is available but only in some countries?
i am in japan. and on the japanese order site it dosnt give me the option, then it directs me to go to a physical store which there are non in Japan. and i dont feel like flying half way around the world just to order glasses. i hope they update the site.