Christians are easy prey for the Archons

In the bus, i overheard two people talking. One of them said to the other: "what do you think the punishment is going to be for those who sin too much". The other guy responded with "probably hell".

Billions of people think the same way. They think that their "sins" are going to eventually "catch up to them" and they will end up in hell.

But who's going to be the person condemning them to hell? the biggest demon of them all who has sinned 1000000000000000x more times than they have. Here's why.

I cannot stress this point enough: God of this reality created a world based on survival where every living being must kill and eat each other in order to survive. Do you realize how twisted, wrong, psychopathic, and extremely evil this is? Well, if you're awake and on this sub, you probably do.

Please have a look at this playlist with clips of what's happening in the wild 24/7. Zebra's face ripped off by crocodiles. Elephants stabbing and killing buffaloes. Crocodiles catching and killing zebras. Alligator eating a turtle alive. Baboons eating baby impalas alive.

Same thing with plants.. we harvest them, cut them up, eat them..but they're alive too, it's not just the animals or us humans.

Literally the only reason all of these atrocities are happening 24/7 is because God of this reality created this reality this way. The same God that will then judge you when you die and they're going to decide whether they're going to send you to hell or not.

You have people thinking that they're going to be sent to hell for accidentally stepping on a bug, for swearing, for this and that, meanwhile, the judge is the most corrupt, sinful, evil, psycho, bastard there is out there. Can't make this shit up the proof is right in your face!!

This is why they created the idea of "Judgement". So that they can do whatever they want with you when you die, and you will be under the impression that you need to listen to them and do as told. If they want you to reincarnate they'll just tell you that you have sinned too much and you have to back to live another life, this time you'll be a disabled person who has to go through extreme suffering in order to "compensate for your sins".

It's insane what's happening here and no one dares to question a damn thing. Gnosticism is the truth because it's the only thing that speaks against this evil creator. This is why they massacred the Gnostics and burned down the library of Alexandria which housed the most amount of Gnostic texts. They don't want you to know the truth, even though the truth is right in your fucking face and you can see it no matter where you are in this world, but most people since they are so brainwashed by religions are simply not able to put the pieces together. And even in the rare case when they do, they'd probably think they're "sinning" for thinking this way. Lol.

They want to judge us for our actions (even though our actions heavily depend on the conditions of survival here, WHICH THEY HAVE CREATED) but who's going to judge this demon which christian people constantly worship and pray to?

I want out of here and to never come back. To some beings in other, peaceful, dimensions this must be the most twisted idea of all times, seeing beings putting themselves on their knees, sending their pray and worship energies to the most sinful being out there, the one who is responsible for creating an environment where all living beings have to kill to survive, to constantly inflict suffering upon each other..

If it were up to me, I would bring order and peace to this realm. God of this reality would be locked up in an astral jail for 50 million years and they would no longer be allowed to create any other realities. Ever. Aside from that, while they're in jail, they would have to endure all the suffering and pain that came from all the attacks and killings experienced by humans, animals, and plants since this place was created. And a telepathic voice would constantly remind them, "This is your creation, bro. This is what you wanted other beings to experience. Have fun with it for the next 50 million years". It's hard to put into words the level of evil that this being is capable of. But i can't fix things for myself, let alone for all living beings on this planet. The only option is to escape.

Plants, animals, and humans are bred, created, and harvested or born solely for the purpose of being food. Either physical food or energetic food. Farm animals are often bred to produce even more animals for consumption, or plants are bred to enhance certain qualities like size and taste.

Every single day there's a genocide happening on this planet, yet the asleep, who love putting their heads in the sand and ignore what's happening, preach to people around them that nature is beautiful, life is good, that God is so so loving and is looking after them, so people "shouldn't worry too much because they're in good hands". Rofl.

Great job, "well done", God. You got exactly what you wanted..