GF update

Hey y’all! Update about me and my girlfriend. Her and I have been far away for last 3 months and we talk over FaceTime a lot. (Side note, she farts on FaceTime once in awhile and they are loud enough for me to hear, gets me every time). So I was able to fly out and see her for 2 weeks over spring break. Turns out that my girlfriend is very gassy sometimes. What really does her stomach bad is dairy, and when we were together, dairy was involved in almost every meal. So this resulted in her being gassy quite often. Lots of times she would say, “I have to fart” or “my stomach hurts I’m kinda gassy.” She mentioned that she was gassy a lot over the last 2 weeks. Sometimes she would fart 4 or 5 times in the span of 15-20 minutes. Sometimes she would say sorry and other times she would laugh. So that was awesome, I didn’t give away my fetish because I don’t think she would be into it, but I would sometimes say like, “you’re ok don’t worry about it” or I would laugh and say, “damn you are gassy!” She laughed most of the time.

Here’s the instance that made me a little sad about this whole thing. So one night we were about to sleep and as we are laying down, my nose was cold. So I nestled my face in the back of her head and say, “my nose is cold, I’m putting it behind your head.” She answers and giggles with, “you’re putting it in my behind?” I paused and thought about what to say for a sec. I answered with, “hey you said it not me, I would.” She laughed a lot and then answered with, “you’re so funny, but I don’t think I would be comfortable with that.” I said alright and then we went to sleep shortly after.

So that kind of answered my curiosity with what she would say if I had a fart fetish. Even though I don’t know for sure, I have a pretty good idea she would be weirded out. It kinda sucks, but if it’s not her thing I get it. I truly do love and care for her so I guess I’m okay with it.

Thanks for reading!