This is not r/howdoimakemoney, if you need money get a JOB

Jesus this sub.. i need $5000, i need $10,000 in 90 days, how do I make $100,000 a year, I like the smell of fresh cut grass should i get into lawncare??

If these are the questions you are asking you are no where near ready to start your own business, because if you do, you are going to get crushed. I hate to be johnny raincloud but for 99% of entrepreneurs, you should start your business BEFORE you quit your job.

Join the f*cking workforce, level up your skills, look for a gap in the market, and where something you know how to do can solve someone else’s problem, or deliver them value that is worth paying for.

Building a business requires effort, sacrifice, knowledge, capital, and honesty you need to be in a place in your life where you have some modicum of financial and personal safety and security.

Over the last 3.5 years I’ve built a business from 0 to 8 retail locations and $3MM+ of revenue and $9MM+ of sales and it was fucking hard, and hell no at the start of my journey was I like “oh now how can i make 80,000 buckaroos a year so I can go to Disneyland with my girlfriend!?”

In the first 2 years of this business, my total take home was like $40,000. I was extremely extremely fortunate in my circumstances that my partner could take on more of the bills, that our rent was cheap, and that my family could loan me the seed money to get things going (which has all been paid back + interest thankyouverymuch)
