I’m writing a book, and need some advice about Enneagram 8s working with other 8s

I’m currently writing a book, about a group of people that get stuck on a dangerous island, and have to survive

In the book, there’s a point where a guy is starting a work project, and includes a few of the other survivors in the process. Out of the 4 people who agree to help him, 3 of them are Enneageam 8s, all mid 20s and all men.

Before I ask my question, here’s some caveats, and then I’ll ask my question:

  • Enneageam doesn’t determine what you’re like at work. Any Enneageam can be any particular way at work. It’s about relevant experience and personality more than just “Enneagram”

  • How 2 Enneagram types interact depends again on personality, history, manners, etc… which have nothing to do with Enneagram

But, EVEN WITH that in mind… I still want to hear what Enneagram 8s are like to work with, and how’d they’d interact with 2 other 8s in a reasonably stressful environment, while they’re trying to work together

You may say “We need more details to understand what they’d do, and what they’d be like,” etc… Maybe so, but I’d prefer at this point to simply stick to this question:

What are Enneageam 8s like at work? What would happen with 3 20 something young guy Enneageam 8s working together in a reasonably stressful environment? How would they interact with each other and their “boss”? How would they need to be talked to, etc…

I suppose, for further specifics: one is 18, ESFP, and SX dominant, another is ENFP, 19, and is SP, the 3rd is 25, ESFP, SX dominant

I can’t wait to hear whatever answer you feel like giving. And, who knows, what you say might end up in my book!