Does anyone else think Flawless blades are lacking something?

My main complaint about the EC launch is the flawless blades. Now unlike most people my gripe with them isnt the coneheads because the set comes with like 6 head options and most of them are incredible. What bothers me is the backpacks. I really don't like the plain, single vial on each of them. They feel WAY too minimalistic and not at all excessive. Being high as kites on exotic stimulants is supposed to be their and I don't think the current design properly conveys that. I wish they looked more like Lucius with multiple vials of different shapes and other crazy stuff.

The whole idea of having externally mounted drug vials on the backpack is itself pretty redundant and silly because all astartes backpacks are stuffed with combat drugs and are supposed to he pumping the space Marines full of drugs 24/7 anyways. Putting vials on the outside of the frame just exposes the to being damaged. But I get it, they are designed for flavor and rule of cool and express "these guys are high as fuck". That's why I think I think GW should have gone all the way! Give each guy at least 3 vials each of different colour with tubes running all over the minis!

Does anyone know if there are any third party options for slaaneshi CSM backpacks with more flavor?