Caelid is the ultimate noob trap... I'm ashamed of my self.

So I've started and put down this game multiple times never have beat it with the DLC coming I decided to finally beat it no matter what here's what caused me to put it down every time.

I like to do everything and get everything so every time I would start a new game I'd explore all of Limgrave and then the next logical thing that's not progressing to the bridge boss to move forward would to be continue on the map to the right and clear it before moving forward.

Well I'd literally do and get everything in Limgrave then take a right and start into Caelid some of the NPCs are easy enough so it kinda gives you the feeling of okay I guess I'm suppose to be here, but def a step up in challenge and then other things are damn near impossible.. I thought this was normal and that I just suck... I'd struggle for hours then say we'll guess I'm not good enough for this game and set it down again.. but now with the DLC coming I finally decided to google it and low and behold Caelid is not even recommended until 60+ and ur suppose to progress forward.... so I did that and literally everything is just the right difficulty now and I feel like such an idiot... 70+ hours starting new games and just doing Limgrave just to get frustrated and put the game down in Caelid...

I feel like they should put a sign at the path going into Caelid that says "turn around" lmao. I dropped a message on the path saying wrong way turn around so hopefully that helps an idiot like me in the future... I'm blasting now just about done Liurania!