Pregnancy after ectopic.
Hello all! I had an ectopic last DEC. That was taken care of with MTX. Fast forward, I am now pregnant. As of today I’m 4wks pregnant. I did request to start doing blood work due to my last experience. My HCG came out to be 356 at 3wks and 5 days. ( found out I was pregnant at 3wk and 3days)I go back again for repeat Monday. I am extremely worried. To be honest I’ve been emotional/ crying everyday. The reason for this is because my symptoms are barely there and it comes and goes. I’m not sure if I’m over thinking it. I’m not sure if this is normal! Maybe I’m paranoid and really hoping and praying this works! I do have 2 living children and I know I had the whole 9 yards of symptoms. I know every pregnancy is different and I shouldn’t compare but I cannot help that I feel barely pregnant. My ectopic I only had very light cramping and that was it! I knew from day 1 soemthing was wrong and part of me feels like that now mix with this is going a healthy pregnancy. I’m trying not to be so negative and be more positive about the situation! I will not know with Ultrasound until I’m 7 weeks which is mid OCT.
Symptoms in waves: light queasiness, light fatigue, and yesterday night started a light cramp. They seems to each day they are gradually coming along.