Coop Teacher doesn't want parents before 9 on the dot.
My 2 year old is in a coop 3 days a week from 9-11:30. One or two days a week, i help out in the class as part of the coop duties, in addition to other responsibilities. Just now in the school year, the teacher has sent a msg to the class saying we should hang out in the playground before school so that she can get setup. But, it's been raining and snowing. We usually come 5 minutes early to a ash hands and put away coat, but now she is giving me attitude for this. Trying to close doors, not saying hi, asking if I'm early to do a shift. I would respect a daycares rules, but this is a coop and I think 5 minutes to get my daughter adjusted before I leave should be welcomed in a coop atmosphere. Is she power tripping or am I expecting too much?
Edit: Thanks for all your comments. I've decided the answer is really both. Even a coop teacher can choose to run her classroom as she sees fit and unless I am willing to fight for change, which I don't think I necessarily should here, I can also think this coop is not run in a way I agree with and choose to go elsewhere. (For a million other reasons which this was probably projection for.)