Fixing Spare key missing panel?
This is a strange one to describe lol
I bought a car a couple of months back from alfuttaim motors, no problems to be honest cars great everything good
I hadn't checked the spare key quality as I saw it was provided in the box and didn't inspect it (tbh its the last thing I'd think to inspect - i made sure to check the car thoroughly lol)
I've now gone to give the spare key to my wife and noticed the key is missing the panel where the buttons are ro open the car - the physical key is in there its just the panel with the buttons aren't
Its obviously been a few months now and raising this to alfuttiam will probably get me no where since theyll say I should of told them when I got it - though I will contact them to try and find out.
Does anyone know how I can fix this lol / if theres a place theyll put the panel on