I need advice
I'm in the process of launching my store with products from AliExpress, but I’m feeling a bit lost. While the deliveries are reliable, I notice that the market has changed, and it's harder to build trust. The products I offer are widely available online, and I don’t have high-quality images to differentiate myself. That’s when I thought: why not go to China myself, see the products I want to sell firsthand, and brand them with my own name? My goal is to build a long-term brand, not just a short-lived store. The thing is, I’m not after the typical winning AliExpress products. I’ve found a niche with higher price points, and I want to focus on quality over quantity, with an emphasis on elegance and luxury. I can’t afford to sell poor-quality products with bad visuals. While I understand that the initial focus of my store will be on data collection rather than sales, how can I expect to collect meaningful data if my site isn’t visually appealing? SEO will drive traffic, but if the site doesn’t convert, how will I know if people actually like what I’m offering?