Fics where Hermione is pregnant and Draco finds out through the black tree. Or Malfoy tree

So this is a weird type of recommendation.

I’m am currently working on a dramoine. Where they hook up in the heat of the moment. Right after Ron kisses lavender. Draco starts to become obsessed with Hermione even tho he thinks he tainted his blood by sleeping with her. Still wrestling with the idea Hermione’s goal is to make him see sense. But the war catches up to them to fast and Draco has to make a decision on what side he picks. And he sticks with the death eaters. Knowing he’s breaking things off he sleeps with Hermione once more then stupefies… obliviates… and imperious her to get dress and leaves her there after wiping her whole memory of ever being in that weird secret relationship they’ve had. She goes on the run with Harry and Ron. While Draco back to his life at the manor when his mother calls him to the study to show him and small branch growing from his pictures. The whole time he forgot to do that birth control spell. Hermione with the boys is experiencing nausea and lack of periods. She chops it up to weight loss and stress until Molly notices the signs and think maybe it’s actually Ron’s baby and she over steps and does a diagnostic spell. Breaking the news to Hermione as excited to have a grandchild. But Hermione has no recollection of ever losing her virginity. Let alone to Ron It becomes a huge mess and Ron thinks Hermione is lying about not knowing what happened to her and gets angry and doesn’t speak to her. Hermione is scared cause who did this to her? Harry the supportive brother he is fights with Ron pointing out this is not something she choose. Someone did this to her. By this time Draco is trying to track down Hermione to get her out of the war and to safety in France.

I’m hoping someone at least has a story similar to this because i haven’t read anything like this. Plus I’m not a very good writer and trying to add up the timelines or even do the magic justice would be extremely difficult for a writer like me. I’m still working on it. It’s just …. Taxing.