I think Solas is more connected to the Titans than the other Evanuris ( A tinfoil hat theory)
You know, ever since Trespasser, I was always fascinated by the one power Solas showed that was truly frightening, petrifying someone with just his eyes. Thats scene of him, petrifying the Viddasala as he walks away from her, that was the moment that set him as a terrifying mage.
But I was always confused as to why. Why Solas is the only one who could use the petrifying magic? With Mythal, it seemed her special magic is her Dragon Transmogrification. I think even Morrigan adopts that magic, considering she can convert herself into a Raven, a Wagon sized Spider and even a Dragon. For Elgar'nan, it seems like Time Stop as well as Mind Domination were his special magic.
But then we come across something. Harding and Sandal. Both who have awakened their connection to Titans. And both of them have displayed something like this :
Something Solas has also shown, as we see petrified and terrified Qunari in our entire journey across Trespasser.
So why is it that Solas is able to do a magic that we see only Titan connected Dwarves i.e Harding and Sandal can do?(And yes, Sandal is definitely connected to Titan and he may have gotten his connection while doing enchantment with a rune. Remember what Dagna said, how she felt like a mountain when she leered deeply into a Rune.)
I think when Solas was given a Lyrium body, he felt closer to the Titans then other Firstborn Elves. This is also strengthened by the fact that Solas is the only one who never calls the Titans monsters, who foresaw what will happen to the sundered Titan dreams, who is the one who felt most concerned regarding using Blight magic. In the redeem ending, he specifically says that he will try to soothe the anger of Titan's dreams. Not once he says they are monsters, unlike Mythal who says that while talking to a Elven Rook.
Also the fact that no one, not even June was able to crack the logic of Vi'revaas and only Solas was able to create such a mirror that can travel between any Eluvians instead of Eluvians made of Twin Fragments of Twinned Lyrium, which was the logic June used while creating the first Eluvians, means that Solas understood the properties of Lyrium more than any other Firstborn. Also the fact that Solas was the only one who was able to create that Lyrium Dagger that no other, not even Mythal could create and even Elgar'nan and Ghila'nain combined couldn't recreate that, suggests a deeper understanding of Titan magic.
But also this image and what the Slaughter of Pillars said while we fight it is very much related to it.
Why is that Solas is putting his hand on his heart, as if he is feeling the pain the Titans were feeling? Why is that the Slaughter of Pillars which is his regret regarding the Titans and their sundering of dreams exactly says these words :
I think the regret specifically saying these words, suggest this was what he felt from the Titans themselves as the ritual to sunder them was done using his dagger. This might be because he himself felt more connected to the Titans due to his Lyrium body than any other Evanuris.
But its a Theory. SO I would like to know your thoughts and ideas regarding this.
Wow some people are really downvoting this. Its just a theory. No idea what warranted the downvotes, huh.