What hit you different on second playthrough? MAJOR SPOILERS!
After the big reveal of Varric having been dead the whole time, on the second playthrough some lines definitely landed different. Harding saying "What do we do now? What do we do?" after you get to the Lighthouse the first time. Also her, "You can do this, Lace. It's got to be done." when you go back to get the dagger. Both just smacked me in the face when I heard them knowing she's dealing with Varric having just died.
And when you talk to Solas and mention how Varric tried to talk to him and is hurt, Solas goes, "Varric is! (insert weird tick instead of blurting out Varric is dead) ...Also adept at hiding the truth" or something like that. But, oh man. Seeing it now. No wonder he's the god of lies and trickery. He saw a tiny little opening and he took it. Whatever you feel about him as a character, he is definitely cunning.
Much later when doing Taash's quest, I chose a line about how it was ok for them to be sad and Taash says something about how Rook acts like they haven't lost anyone. Ouch.