Left my girlfriend last weekend and now she is #1 on the EU leader board...AITA?

A few weeks ago I was pubbing like normal with the boys in unranked, and my girlfriend came into the room right after I died and started talking to me about her day and her friends. I asked her several times if we could speak later because I was really upset at my game (I first picked pudge support but my carry kept flaming me for missing hooks and spammed the "pathetic" voiceline over and over)

Anyway she kept distracting me, asking me what my future plans with her was and if I was "ready for some next steps" and asking if she could meet with me to discuss something over and over again (she was throwing up the last couple of nights randomly and has these really wierd mood swings lately so this was the first time we could really talk in like 3 days)

Anyway, i was super stressed from my day and really wanted to unwind by going 2-18 as pos 5 pudge after my long day at the warehouse. After asking several times to talk later she got super upset and said that I was "wasting my life away" playing dota and that "after 7000 hours obviously I was just bad and never going to get to immortal".

This really set me off the edge, and I yelled at her that if dota is so easy why dosnt she do it? She laughed said "any loser could make it out of archon" and packed up her stuff and left.

I thought it was just a big fight but next time I got on i got a party invite from a random account, and low and behold it was my girlfriend as the profile picture. I kept declining the invite but she kept sending it, so many times she DOSSed me for like 6 hours strait when I was playing my in-house grand finals and I couldn't play.

Long story short, i used to get matched against her all the time and she would just destroy me by picking meta carry heros and actually trying when I was just trying to be non toxic, have a 12k behavior score, and play for fun. Eventually, I stopped seeing her and figured she had moved on with her life

BUT YESTERDAY I was on Instagram and I am looking at Team Nigma's page and I couldn't belive it...MY GIRLFRIEND was shaking adds with Kuro? The post said "meeting new and exciting substitutes for Miracle" and i was like WHAT?!

so I booted up dota 2 and there she was...rank 1 EU leader board. I couldn't belive it. Obviously she's a account buyer or got boosted which is whatever but did I do this? I mean clearly she is depressed she seems to have put on weight and the mood swings ect but I never thought she would be this toxic.

So, AITHA for just trying to have a fun night with the boys while my girlfriend was power climbing ranked?