Mega Creeps should also send 1 ancient creeps in 1 of 3 lane

Mega creeps has been underwhelming for such a long time, sure if u have mega creeps before 30 min then maybe some hero and support might having trouble to clear it, but the game is basically over if u can get mega creeps before 30 min right.

What im focus on is the 40-50min+ games, most of the time going for mega creeps is worth nothing as in late game even support can easily handle entire wave without any sweat.

But I believe adding ancient creeps will eventually switching things up. Like how lycan shard work, each wave spawn a random ancient creeps in 1 of 3 lane, imagine a big golem that provide aura hp, or that new neutral that randomly do a mini ravage. Team can take advantage with these ancient and tbh, mega creeps in dota 1 feel like 10times more threat than current mega creeps due to heroes has been getting so much stronger but the mega creeps is basically still the same stat.

Whats your thought on this idea, feel free to thumb up if you like it, lets make it happen in 7.39